As I sit down to write this post, I have so many mixed emotions! The past couple of months have not gone as I had planned. Not going to lie, I had a HARD time sticking to this. If you read my first update, you saw I was going to do 21 day fix extreme, but honestly, I practically memorize the videos because I’ve done them so many times so I wasn’t motivated nor being challenged. That’s not to say that I don’t LOVE those programs, because I really do, and they do work, but I just needed a change of pace and something I have never done before!
As of 2 weeks ago I started 80 day obsession and am down 6 pounds! I feel more motivated then ever! Each day I show up for my workout. I’m plugging away at the big picture and new lifestyle I’m determined to make my normal. At first I was a little worried, because they are longer workouts than I am used to, but it has been so great so far! I have also been following the 80 day obsession eating plan as best as I can, I do have a little cheat here and there on the weekends, but I really am trying to be strict about it. It’s officially March, and summer is right around the corner! I’m excited to share another update soon as well as share what I’ve been eating, because, well, I’m sure we all like new ideas! 🙂
I have learned an important lesson in knowing that things won’t just change because you want them to, you have to work really freaking hard for it. If I have one piece of advice, it’s simply to START. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You are capable of great things, you just have to believe in yourself and make the necessary changes to make new habits stick.